Join The Bondi Blyss Community
Join our Loyalty program to earn points and discounts on future purchases. Â
How does it work?Â
Step 1:Â Create your accountÂ
Already have an account? Sign in and start earning!Â
Step 2: Earn points when you shop, write a review and on your birthday. Â
Step 3:Â Get rewarded!Â
Use your points to shop with us - for every 100 points receive a box of Blyss of your choice on us!Â
How do I earn points?Â
- 10 points for every product you order* This includes subscription products! Â
-Â 10 points on your birthdayÂ
- 10 points when you leave a reviewÂ
*Offer does not include free sample trial packÂ